5000 Carriage Dr. SW, Roanoke, Virginia 24018

Welcome ~ We’re So Glad You’re Here

Valley Community Church is a spiritual center lovingly serving a diverse, growing group of people. We believe that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. Our primary reason for walking the paths of life is to experience an Omnipresent God and to come to know, first hand, that we are His children, His own, made in His Image. It is a privilege and a blessing to see the people in our church family become more and more empowered physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

A Bridge to Spiritual Discovery and Growth

Valley Community Church

Valley Community Church celebrates the truth that you are God’s Image (Genesis 1:26). The core of your Being, the eternal, non-physical part of you often called the soul, is a perfect likeness of God, Himself, with all His Goodness, Beauty, Wisdom, Power and Love. At your core, you are all of that.

Earth is a school, where we have the opportunity to learn certain lessons that will help us to express everything we already are. What are these lessons? Just look at your life and see where you’re having difficulties; what has caused you pain and also when you’ve caused other people pain. Within these troubles are the lessons we’re here to learn, so we can shine with all the beauty, wisdom, power and love we already are. What is the greatest lesson of all? It’s learning to love – to look for the good within yourself and everyone else. Love will eventually heal every problem or difficulty. Learning this one supreme lesson – to love, to look for the good – will bring you more success, happiness, health, fulfillment and inner peace and power than you ever thought possible.

But … we cannot do this alone. We will fully learn the lessons of life because of this truth – God is Omnipresent. This means that God is everywhere, within us, all around us, helping us, because God is Unconditional Love. God’s Presence, unconditional love, is within you, within everyone and everything because, as the Bible says … He fills heaven and earth (Jeramiah 23:24).

Valley Community Church celebrates your oneness with God and your infinite potential for Peace, Wisdom, Power and especially Love that is His Nature and the core of your Being.

We Would Love For You To Join Us!

Our Sunday Service is at 10:30 am in person or on Facebook & YouTube Live

A place for all. No exceptions!

Weekly Events
6:00 pm AA Evening Meetings
AA Evening Meetings
Mar 25 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Evening AA meetings downstairs in the basement.
7:00 pm MCC Bible Study
MCC Bible Study
Mar 25 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
8:00 am AA Morning Meetings
AA Morning Meetings
Mar 26 @ 8:00 am – 9:00 am
Weekly AA meetings in the Church Annex
5:00 pm Book Study with Dr. Maurita
Book Study with Dr. Maurita
Mar 26 @ 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm
Book Study is in the Church Annex
6:00 pm AA Evening Meetings
AA Evening Meetings
Mar 26 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Evening AA meetings downstairs in the basement.
6:30 pm Happy Hour/Coffee
Happy Hour/Coffee
Mar 26 @ 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Happy Hour/Coffee is in the Church annex
6:00 pm AA Evening Meetings
AA Evening Meetings
Mar 27 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Evening AA meetings downstairs in the basement.

Current Message For Living

Ways to Support

By sharing our blessings, we not only help others but also deepen our own relationship with God and experience the true meaning of abundance.

Giving online: See below to sign up for online giving. Make it easy on yourself!





We’re continuing to collect spare change and bills for the Church! The church collection box is waiting for you on the small table at the back of the sanctuary.

Valley Community Church






Renew your Kroger Card online at krogercommunityrewards.com. The Valley Community Church’s NPO # is 82934.





What People Are Saying

"So uplifting & positive & they believe in the omnipresence of God as I do."
Judy M.
"This church shows you how to be open, receptive and aware of all the goodness that is available to everyone. You also learn how to navigate spiritually through life with all of its challenges and opportunities. It is always a very enlightening and uplifting service. I love it."
Trish W.
"I always know I will feel uplifted and accepted at Valley Community Church. The members are so friendly and loving, and the service message is always what I need to hear. Members' prayers have helped turn my life around several times!"
Amy Jo W.