
This Beautiful Service is for both Infants and Adults


For Infants

ChildBaptism In this beautiful service, the ceremony focuses on the responsibility of the parent’s to view the child as God’s gift to Life as well as to them and their family. There is a reminder that their acts will speak more loudly than their words and that this child can provide an opportunity to raise their thinking and behavior to a higher level than ever to provide an excellent example. The infant is gently sprinkled during the ceremony with water that has been blessed. They are then dedicated to God’s plan and His purposes.


 For Adults

A beautiful ceremony that is chosen by an individual who sees theAdultBaptism value in creating a line of demarcation between the old and the new. It is an indication that a person has committed themselves to do their best to think and act from a more spiritual, rather than a purely material, “this world” basis. It would include a deeper dedication to making God an important, rather than peripheral part of their lives. This beautiful ceremony also includes sprinkling the person with blessed water.


 Copy_of_DSCN0705-494x205A spacious and attractive room is also available in the Annex for gatherings for up to 30 people. Click here for rental information.


Please call the Church Office: 540-797-1367