5000 Carriage Dr. SW, Roanoke, Virginia 24018

Prayer Request

“Pray without ceasing…”  1 Thessalonians 5:17 prayerclouds

Our Prayer Circle members will hold your name or initials in healing prayer each day for one month. They will steadfastly hold the Truth that you are a Child of God, made in His Image and that God, Omnipresent, is always is always Healing. They will see you as God sees you; whole, loved and loving and filled with the potential for joy, wisdom and prosperity. If you would like prayers for yourself or someone else …

  • Please fill out the prayer request form below;
  • Or call us at 540-797-1367  
* indicates required field



Hospital and Home Visits

“Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” Matthew 18:20

When someone is ill in body or spirit, in-person prayer support with members of our Prayer Team offers an opportunity to KNOW that God is right where they are as a Force for Infinite Good. What results is a greater sense of serenity and assurance. Whether it is prayer support for the sick or those facing life’s many challenges, we are available to visit in the hospital or at home. To arrange a hospital or home visit, please contact the church office at 540-797-1367. Please leave a voice message and you will receive a return call from Rev. Dr. Maurita Wiggins or Rev. Doug Watts to make the arrangements.